YP Housing is the specialist in the rental of homes in metropolitan Amsterdam. We stand for transparency and personal service aimed at home seekers and homeowners. We generally work a lot with young professionals, expats and students who work and/or study during the day. In this, we are very flexible and can also provide viewings and services outside office hours
Wij werken over het algemeen veel met young professionals, expats en
studenten die overdag werken en of studeren. Hiervoor zijn wij erg flexibel en kunnen wij ook buiten kantoortijden bezichtigingen en services verlenen.
Through our large network within the real estate world and external websites such as Pararius and Funda, we try to help every tenant or landlord with their wishes.
YP Housing is happy to continue expanding and make contact with both tenants and landlords so that we can expand our network and expertise.